Sergeant Dave Stegall
c/o Homosexuals in the Army
124 Army Lane
Tacoma, Washington 87590
Apparently Dave received this letter without incident. But it raised his anxiety level, fearing what would happen if future letters came addressed in the same manner. A couple of weeks later I sent Dave another letter. This time I addressed it:
General Dave Stegall
c/o Guys Who Claim to Be Able to Beat Up Their Drill Sergeant
124 Army Lane
Tacoma, Washington 87590
Most of the rest of the accounts of this story I have heard second hand from Dave, but I consider it to be rather factual. And if I have made any errors, I am sure that Dave, who is a semi faithful blog reader will make the proper clarifications. Dave and his platoon had just returned to the barracks and the Drill Sergeant was going through mail call. As he was leafing through the letters and calling out names, he got to my letter for Dave. Upon reading the envelope the Drill Sergeant paused then placed the letter under his left arm. Immediately Dave knew that this was another letter from me. The Drill Sergeant continued through with the rest of the mail and when he finished he announced to the platoon, “Gentleman, you are about to witness something that I have never seen in my 30 years in the military. And it is probably something that none of you will ever see again in your military careers. You are about

Drill Sergeant: “Holy Shit!!! Holy Shit!!! Stegall stand up!”
Dave stands after having only done 7 or 8 push ups.
Drill Sergeant: “Stegall, Are you a homosexual?”
Dave: “Sir, no sir.”
Drill Sergeant: “How did you get in this man’s army? I thought homosexuals weren’t allowed in the Army?”
Dave: “Sir, I am not a homosexual sir.”
Drill Sergeant: “Are you getting wise with me Private?”
Dave: “Sir, no sir.”
At which point the Drill Sergeant puts his hand in front of his crotch region with two fingers pointing out.
Drill Sergeant: “Stegall, How many fingers do you see?”
Dave with his eyes still looking straight forward: “The private refuses to answer that question because he feels that any answer that he gives will be the wrong answer.”
Drill Sergeant: “Get back down there and start kissing the floor.”
While Dave went back to doing his push ups, the Drill Sergeant addressed the remainder of the platoon and went into great detail that he had his suspicions of Dave being in fact gay. Because of these suspicions no one in the platoon was allowed to be in the showers at the same ti

Drill Sergeant: “Stegall, where do you think you are going?”
Dave: “Sir, I was going to take a shower sir.”
Drill Sergeant: “With other men in there? Not on my watch.” He would then walk over to the showers and yell. “Alright everyone out, General wants to take a shower!”
Dave later recalled to me that because of that letter he was forced to do well over 1000 push ups. And when his arms got too sore to do any more push ups, he had to do flutter kicks, so he did equally as many of them. And if I don't mention it, I know Dave will. Apparently all of the push ups that Dave had to do, caused his tendonitis to flair up in his shoulder. Some mornings he had to have his bunkmate help him put his shirt on. Big deal. There were a couple other letters that I sent to Dave that caused a bit of hardship for Dave, namely the one addressed to “Commander in Chief Dave Stegall” but the one addressed “General” got the most play. And I know that one of the letters I sent to him didn’t even have a letter in it, it was just an envelope. I guess be careful what you wish for.
this is great..I also sent my share of envelopes colored real pretty..and big purple cut out dinosaurs..they thought Chicken has a little sister..
This is pretty much the best story I have ever read in my entire life.
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