Monday, April 30, 2007
Weekend Update
I am back, but now I am back as an Appletonian. I am sure you all missed me incredibly. I will get pictures of my new place up probably tomorrow. But here is the weekend recap. Friday night, I got some take out from Crawdaddys. Just crawtails and house rice, but I mix them up together and it is so good. Then I went over by Nate. Saturday morning I was up at 6:30 and I went and picked up some top soil and fixed my retaining walls in the backyard, the ground behind the walls settled and I have been meaning to add more dirt for three years now and just finally got to it this weekend. I then spent the rest of the day, doing other yard work, and my yard needed it since it was neglected for the last 8 months. Saturday night, I went over by my brother, Dan, to watch the Brewers get destroyed and the Detroit Lions pick yet another wide receiver in the NFL draft. Matt Millen is the best. Sunday morning I showed my house to my friend, Tammy, who will be moving in starting June. But don't worry, the Freeman party is still at my house, and then after that I will be living with Preston when I come back to Milwaukee. That can only mean trouble. I stopped by Justus Sunday afternoon. He just bought house, here he is showing me his right hand in the bathroom.
After seeing Justus I took my nieces and nephew, Sarah, Jared and Erin shopping for their birthdays. I missed their parties since I was in Minnesota. Here they are outside of Toys R Us.
After buying them any toy that they wanted, we stopped at McDonalds for ice cream. I guess you could say I broke my New Years Resolution, because I also had ice cream at McDonalds, but I really don't consider that fast food. Here are the kids in front of the Elvis statue at the Waukesha Rock and Roll McDonalds.
After shopping with the kids, my brother, Jon's, in laws were grilling out and invited me to stop by. After dinner, I raced my nephew's Nick and Ethan across the yard. Here they are coming in 2nd and 3rd place. You don't think I would let them beat me do you?
Later on we go a little game of bongo ball going. For those that don't know what bongo ball is, it is a pretty childish game, but then again what other kind of game would I play. The object of the game is to kick the ball straight up in the air, then let it bounce once, and then kick it straight up in the air again. You keep on doing that as long as you can. Here you can see my sister in law, Julie playing. Can you tell that she was a varsity letterman four years in a row?
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Hey glad you're back. Does Tammy know about the 'murder' house history? Where are you and Bubs going to live?
I don't know if Tammy knows about the murders or not. That happened 10 years ago. She will be fine. Preston is already renting out a place, I think it is around 60th and Lincoln.
why are you not going to live in your home when you're done with the Appleton project?
Rick and I are living together because we have a secret "Bro-mance". I have an extra bedroom that I don't use anyway, so it will be fun to have Ricky crashing every now and then. Plus, we will have an automatic 3 for sheepshead (me, ricky, and doggie), which is a good start when you only need 5!
I am going to live in my house. But not until I am done in Appleton. Which could be a year from now. After that I don't know if my company will be moving me somewhere else after that. So to answer your question, I might not be moving back in once I am done in Appleton.
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