Let me give you my weekend recap. I headed back down to Milwaukee. Friday night I was at the Eggeners for pizza. Tony and Cammy were back in town from Philadelphia. Towards the end of the evening we played "Scene It" on XBox, and I proved my domaninace in movie trivia. Saturday I had lunch with Nate and Elery. Saturday night Jon and Julie had people over for dinner. The Nintendo Wii, got a pretty good workout. Sunday was my nephew, Joey's, baptism. Then I headed back up to Appleton in the snow. It I haven't said it lately, then I need to say it again. I love my truck. With new tires, and tires locked into four wheel drive, I was passing people on the drive, like they were looking for parking spots. Here are some photos.
This is Ethan doing pull ups on my arm.

Jake did a couple of pull ups too.

Saturday night Ethan was having a bad night. He got mad when I put frosting on his face and then said that he hated me. Join the list.

Nick didn't mind having a little frosting on his face.

Here are the parents, god parents, grandparents, deacon and baby Joey after the baptism.

The Davies family back at the ranch after the baptism, Jeff, Sue, Sarah, Zach and Joey.
Why did you call me saturday night Rickie, I tried calling you back but you didn't answer?
We had a discussion about the cost of in state tuition for college. You didn't answer your phone, so I called Pocahontus for the information.
ok, gottcha, i thought you were going to take us to oakland gyros
Thanks for joining the family for the weekend with Tony...sure was fun.
Just for the record, I won the first Scene It game and Jon should have won the second.
Just for the record, I would like to protest the first game. Brian said just push the big button. The first couple of questions I had no idea which button to push. All that being said, I didn't lose until the last couple of questions.
And no, Jon should not have won. If he should have, he would have.
Somehow I was called a cheater because I was copying other peoples answers. If points are awared by who answers first, then how did I end up in first place.
You are both lucky I did not play. If Jon would have listened to my answers he would have won. But that is just typical of a husband not listening to his wife.
Looks like someone needs to buy an Xbox. Bring it on Julie. I will take on all challengers.
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