Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Visiting Tree

Here is a quick question for all of my loyal readers. Let me give you some background. Tree has been guilt tripping me for 4 some odd years or at least as long as he has been living in North Carolina, to come down and visit him. I have recently booked a flight and I will be down visiting Tree next weekend. We have planned out the weekend already with Neil Diamond on Friday, the Bobcats game on Saturday and the Panther game on Sunday. Just this week Tree called me up and said that he had a problem with the plans. Or at least the plans for Saturday night. He informed me that he has to go with his wife to a work Christmas party on that Saturday night. Tree gave me to options for that night. #1. I can hang out with myself down town. #2. Go to the party with them and pretend that I am doctor. But I have to wear a shirt and tie. Here is the poll:
Can I give Tree a hard time for bailing on our Saturday plans?
Yes. You are spending all that money to fly down and visit and he bails on you.
No. You are lucky anyone invites you anywhere.
Who cares, and how many times are you going to see Neil Diamond anyhow.
Free polls from Pollhost.com


Anonymous said...

Just go to the party. Maybe you will find yourself a "sugar mamma".

Plus when else would you have a chance to use all your movie lines that have to deal with doctors or the medical profession. There are some classic lines from Fletch you could dig up. Meet the parents is too obvious.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely you should go to the party. You can say you're a pharmaceutical rep from Devlin-McGregor!


Rickie Davies said...

That company is a monster.