Monday, August 16, 2010

Million Dollar Idea

This idea came to while I was at the Phish concert Saturday night. It is a phone and a phone application called "Phone Tag".
Basically the phone would have a port on the side of it that would pull out and have both a male and female connectors. When you meet someone with the same phone, if both phones have the ports pulled out, you turn one phone over and connect the two phones. Then you would push a button on each phone and it would quickly exchange whatever information you would want that person to have, i.e. your name, phone number, email address, facebook account, etc. And it would literally take only seconds to transfer this information. Unless this is out there, does anyone know if something like this has already been invented.

What do you think, is "Phone Tag" a good idea?
Yes, You will be a millionare.
No, How much did you drink at the Phish show anyhow?
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Bubs said...

There was a phone out there that if you put the 2 next to each other, it would transfer that information wirelessly. It may have been the first iphone, I can't be sure. But I remember seeing the ad on tv and thinking that that feature was pretty cool. I don't know if that app exists for the newer phones (or if people use it at all).

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bubs, I think it's called 'bumb' on the iphone