Dave Matthews: The Stone
John Melloncamp: I really didn't care, but I guess Pink Houses
Neil Young: Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Willie Nelson: Whiskey River
I got to Miller Park around 5:00 or a little after and wasn't really concerned with the concert until Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds came on stage around 7:20.
Between acts I made my way up to the Loge Level to use the bathroom and grab another soda. I was in the elevator which was pretty full, two of whom were cops. Never passing on an opportunity to give the men in blue a hard time, I started in with my normal line of questioning:
Me: Have you guys hauled anybody out yet?
Cop: Yep, in fact we are on our way to kick out 5 more.
Me: How many of you guys do you think it would take to kick me out of here?
(This is always the same answer)
Cop: Just me.
(I begin laughing hysterically)
Me: No seriously, how many of your friends would you need?
Cop: (In a much more stern voice) Just me.
I decided not to push my luck with him any further.
Of the final four acts, John Melloncamp was the act I was least concerned with seeing. But he was actually very good.
Neil's last song had Willie, Melloncamp and Dave come out to join.
Willie brought in a special guest for his set. Steven Tyler was in town and sang the first song with him. As you can tell by the pictures, I got much closer for the last set. Quite a few people left after Neil Young.
Oh this is kind of funny. I was waiting in line for the bathrooms that they brought out on the field for the elite with floor seats. While waiting I was looking at the outfield wall, which displayed advertisements that switched over the course of the show. I wish I had grabbed a picture but I didn't. Anyhow the advertisement was for "Silk", I thought to myself, "Wow, a gentlemen's club advertising at Farm Aid, that is kind of wild" Then as I looked a little closer, I realized it was for "Silk" the soymilk. My mistake.
The other picture I wish I had grabbed but didn't was the definition of pathetic. Women may define it as something else. As I was walking towards the ramp to go from the Loge Level to the floor level I walked past the line for the woman's bathroom. There had to be 15 girls in line outside the door. All standing by themselves except for one girl who had her boyfriend standing next to her. Here is a little bit of Whiskey River.
Here are the setlists that I could find:
Dave Matthews: Watchtower, Satellite, Don't Drink The Water, Save Me, You and Me, Gravedigger, Crush
Neil Young: Down By The River, Hitchhiker, Ohio, Sign og Love, Mother Earth, Long May You Run, Homegrown
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