Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving Update
Hello all of my loyal blog readers. I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. I will just get to the pictures rather than tell you about all that I did. Here was a good share of my Wednesday, cutting deer. The days of my family butchering 300 deer are all over. I think we did somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 deer this year. No complaints from me. I can recall in years past where we would cut 10 or 15 on Thanksgiving just to put something of a dent in the pile of deer laying around outside.
Wednesday night was the night in which I tried to get people to come out and join me for a drink. My disappointment in my friends was extremely high. The only one who could hang with me was Nate. Everyone else called it a night early or didn't show at all. It was no surprise that Justus and the General were no shows. Tree and Preston were major disappointment, they both said they would attend and never showed. But Nate, good ole Nate. He was a trooper. I got him home at 5:00 a.m. after a winning morning at the casino. As for myself, I was staying at my brother's house, I walked in the door at 5:40 a.m. and he was just walking out the door to go hunting. He said "You are kidding me, right?" I said "Nope." Anyhow this picture was taken earlier in the evening, Nate Eric, Roman, Myself and Moffatt.
On Thanksgiving morning, I was up after only 2 hours of sleep. Here I am making my appetizers with my nephew, Ethan.
Here are my finished appetizers, Bacon wrapped pizza rolls. Not only delicious but good for you.
Friday I helped JFK (Krum's dad), Krum and Diceman (Krum's brother) put up lights in JFK'ss new garage. On a side note Thanksgiving night I was at the Krumrich's for some serious ping pong. Krum and I against JFK and Diceman. We lost the first 4 games and then went on to win 7 of the next 8 games. But JFK claimed that the first 3 were the only games that counted because it was best of 5, then every other game was just a "friendly". Friday afternoon, I took Krum on in a little one on one ping pong. I beat him 3 out of 4 games. This doesn't sound like much, but I have never beat Krum before. So a major accomplishment for myself.
Friday night we (my family) went out bowling. I challenged my brother-in-law, Tim, to a match. It was $5 and Tim, who is in a bowling league and bowls every other week, gave me 33 pins. As you can see by the picture below, I won straight up 181 to 167. Now if you talk to Tim, he will claim it doesn't count because the bumpers were up as the kids were bowling with us as well. And while I will admit that I did hit the bumpers twice on two of my open frames. But Tim also hit the bumpers once and picked up a spare. Of course when he hits the bumpers it doesn't count, but when I do it does. On another side note, in the next game, I wanted to see how many times I could hit the bumpers before hitting the pins. I got 5 in before getting a strike.
Here is my niece, Erin, at the bowling alley.
After dinner here are all of the kids pretending that they are bowling. Jared, Erin, Lindsey, Abby, Josh, Nick and Ethan.
Saturday I went to the Whitewater football game to see Mike Kicking Ass a.k.a. (MKA) Here are my aunt and uncle at the tailgate before the game.
I was in charge of the grill. Here I am with my hotdog hanging out.
You can believe what you want, but here I am fake puking. Nancy spilt some hot chocolate on the ground and I thought it would make a funny picture. You might see me puke after a football game, but never at the tailgate party before the game.
Here is Whitewater on offense taking the field.
And a Whitewater football game isn't complete without a picture of MKA. So here he is, the closest offensive lineman, number 73.
Picking up where I left off from the Gopher game. I said I would do push ups everytime Whitewater scored. I figured that it was the playoffs and I really wouldn't have to do too many push ups. Well as you can see from the next picture, Whitewater put up 59 points. 59!!!! I ended up doing 291 push ups on the day. I will come clean. As you can see in the picture, I started doing the push ups down hill until the score got into the 40s, then I moved to doing them along the bleachers, and once the score got into the 50s I did them up hill.
59 points. The highest point total of the season and I shoot my mouth off. It was cold on Saturday and the push ups did get me warm in a hurry.
The post game tailgate party. Katie, Jon, Dave, Nick, Tim, Katie, Julie, Nancy Ethan, my dad and Mike.
Saturday night I stopped by my brother, Dan's, to help him move some furniture and watch some football. I was giving Josh and Abby airplane rides. Here they are.
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Thanks for coming to the game Rickie. You did live up to your word and you made quite a few of my games. Thanks again.
M. Sherman
I thought you could not drink alcohol on state property.
I was glad to make it to the game. I am planning on being there this coming weekend, but if you could do me a favor and keep the score down to somewhere in the 30's it sure would make life easier on me. You can still win the game, just don't score so many points.
Apparently Whitewater does not consider the parking lot to be state property even though it is. So you can drink in the parking lot outside the stadium, in fact in the past the University actually served up free beer in a pavillion that was put up by the University before the game. But if you go on the other side of the fence into the stadium which is also state property with a beer you get kicked out of the game. While they have a great football team that I am happy to support, Whitewater is still in my mind a very hyocritical University and you can't convince me otherwise.
My ping pong skills were a bit off as I was tired from carrying rickie on my back the previous night for our 7 game streak. having said that, he did play well and beat me and for that I give him props on high and agree that nothing surmounts to rickies couth with the women and skills on the gnip gnop court..
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