Thursday, November 01, 2007

Trick or Treat

Last night was Halloween, and as I have been doing for the last 4 or 5 years I went to my sister, Deb's, to go trick or treating with my nieces and nephews. This year we had a pretty large group, because my brother, Dan, joined us with his kids. And Jon and Julie were also there again this year. So it was Tim, Dan, Jon and I who took the kids around the neighborhood. Of course we had a wagon with a cooler of beer. I would like to say that it was a cooler full of beer but it wasn't because over the course of the night, we ran out of beer. How does someone in my family run out of beer? This will be a night that will not be forgotten all that soon. As we were eating dinner later on, we got to talking about next year's trick or treating. A quick look at the calender and we realized that next year's Halloween falls on a Friday. We have plans in the works to bring a quarter barrel with us in a wagon rather than just a cooler. Here are the pictures from last night.
This is the group picture before we headed out. Ethan, Lindsey, Erin, Abby, Me, Josh, Nick and Jared.Here are the fathers waiting for the kids at one of the cul de sacs. Each with beer in hand, weird.Here I am taking a break, sitting in the wagon. In case you haven't guessed, I went as a chicken. Jared had called me and asked me to go as a chicken.Anyone want to guess who this is taking a leak in one of the neighbors bushes?
As I said, I went as a chicken and Nicholas came up with the great idea that if I was a chicken that he would go as an egg. Pretty creative for a kid. Then he had a devil's mask and went as a deviled egg.Here are the kids eating dinner. Halloween Tacos.

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