New Years Eve I went to see Cake at the Riverside. I desided not to take my camera along as the tickets said no cameras or recording devices. Normally I never listen to such a warning, but I just didn't want to deal with it, if they were checking. This turned out to be a poor decision. Everyone and their brother had a camera inside. I even saw people who work at the Riverside with cameras. It was a good concert. I am not the biggest Cake fan in the world. I went with my college roommate, Mark, and his wife, Suzanne. My seat was in Row V right on the center aisle. They were back in the corner. They quickly moved down by me. Eventually we all moved way up to around row 5 and were just standing in the aisle. And for the last half hour of the show we were in the front row. I was actually placing my beer down on the stage. As I said, I wish I had brought my camera long with. But I did have my cell phone camera. This is the only real good picture that I got.
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