Here is my newest nephew, Joey Jeffery.
Of course I bowled with the kids as well. I won the first game with a 105. Lindsey had the top score of the kids. The kids seemed more excited to allow me to let them take pictures with my camera than to bowl. I had them taking pictures while bowling and they didn't actually get too many that were usable. Here is one that was usable.
Here is Sarah while bowling. I think this is one picture that turned out that the kids took.
After bowling I took the kids to McDonalds for ice cream. This was the second of three times that Erin had ice cream that day. She had three birthday parties to go to on Saturday. When I was a kid I never had a birthday party nor did I go to many birthday parties.
Saturday night was the Championship match for the bowling team comprised of my sister, Deb, brother in law, Tim, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Dave. I try to make it to at least one night of bowling with them a year. And that fact that this was for the Championship made it even better. Here is my Aunt Marilyn after one of her many strikes.
Here is my sister, Deb. As my memory serves this was also a strike.
The boys talked a pretty good game, but did they back it up? Maybe uncle Dave did. Here he is.
Tim on the other hand started out with a 125. I nearly bettered him when I bowled with the kids, and I was screwing around the entire time. He told me that bowling is a marathon not a sprint. While I have never run a marathon, I did do a 1/2 marathon, and my first mile was my fastest. I don't know if he knows what he is talking about.
But at the end of the night, Tim showed off some of his bowling talent. Maybe he should have bowled this was all night. I am not sure I mentioned it, but the last time I bowled against Tim, I beat him rather handily.
The year end picture. They ended up finishing in second for the season. The team they played against had some serious rollers on their team. One guy had a 750 series against them.
Awesome t-shirt Rickie.
nice action shot of the kid jumping over the bus!!!
Why is the men look really drunk?
Great looking bowling team!
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