Monday, April 07, 2008
Minnesota Weekend Recap
Wow what a weekend. Spring is finally here. I was in Minnesota. 60s the entire weekend. I had to go back to my Prescott Bridge project for a meeting. It was a quick discussion about the bridge and then we raised the bridge to make sure things were working fine. Friday evening we grilled out in the Borky garage and played some ping pong. Then we went bowling. It was Borky, Mrs. Borky, Doug, Liquid, TJ, Kelly, Craig and myself. Bowling was fun. It was a small corner bowling alley with only 10 lanes only 3 blocks from Borky's house. We pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. I didn't even break 100 in either of my games. There wasn't enough oil on the lanes and my ball was hooking too much. Here is Doug bowling.
TJ showing that he has got form.
Always look eye.
Liquid pretending that she is the St. Pauly girl.
Here is Borky very comfortable with himself as he bowls.
Saturday morning, I managed to force myself out of bed and went for a run around Lake Nokomis. 6 days until my race. Although I don't think you will find drinking and bowling a week before a race as part of your race preparation in many racing books. Speaking of race preparation, here is something the definitely isn't recommended in any racing book. Last week we finally moved my bridge. It was the first time that the bridge had moved in 3 or 4 years. And while it was moved using a crane it still moved. I had told two of my foremen that the day we move the bridge, I will buy them and all of their workers beer. Well that day has been pushed back to this coming Friday, the day before my race. What a fabulous idea. Drinking 12 hours before running 13 miles. But that is another story that you will hear about in a week. Back to Minnesota. I got in a run Saturday morning, then I went out to brunch with Borky, Mrs. Borky and Heidi. We returned around noon and Borky and I were trying to decide what to do. I said that I sort of wanted to watch the Brewer game. We went to a local sports bar in Minneapolis. But they didn't have the Brewer game on. I called my brother to make sure that the game was on TV and it was. With that, Borky said "Why don't we just drive to Wisconsin and watch the game there?" I had no problem with that, so we drove to Hudson. We went to two bars and neither of them could get the Brewer game either. Apparently Hudson gets their cable from Minnesota as well. We were told by the bartender that we needed to go another 15-20 minutes into Wisconsin to find a bar that would have the Brewer game on. We decided to just go back to Minneapolis. Here is proof that Borky and I were in Hudson. Dick's bar in Hudson, if you look close, in the background you can see a sign that says "Hudson, WI".
We wasted away the rest of the afternoon going to see "National Treasure". None of us were even remotely impressed by the movie. A city of gold under Mount Rushmore? Sure that seems logical. I probably won't do a movie review on that one. Saturday evening I met up with my friend, K.O. We went and grabbed some dinner then stopped back at her place before heading to Whiskey Junction to see a Johnny Cash cover band. Here is K.O. riding her fixed gear bike around her apartment.
And it looked like so much fun that I took the bike for a spin around the apartment.
Here is the Johnny Cash cover band at Whiskey Junction. I thought they were pretty good. And the lead singer looked sort of like Johnny Cash until you got close to him. Then again, doesn't everyone look like Johnny Cash if they are wearing all black? I don't know.
Here I am with Liquid at Whiskey Junction.
Here is Flo at Whiskey Junction. Flo had just got back from Mexico the day before. She broke her arm Friday morning as she was leaving her hotel to go to the airport. Poor Flo, she had to suffer the entire plane ride and didn't get medical treatment until she was back to Minneapolis. But she was in a much better mood Saturday night.
Krum and K.O.
As we were leaving Whiskey Junction, there was a conflict going on involved with the police. I was riding with K.O. and made her pull over so I could get some pictures, but I think you can see that the police were winning. As we drove by the police had their guns drawn. There had to be at least 8 cops and 4 squad cars on site. K.O. was yelling at me as I jumped out of the car to get pictures. But I had to get the picture.
Saturday night Krum mentioned to me that he was going on a run with a group Sunday morning. Needing to get in a long run, I woke up at 7 Sunday morning and drove over to meet Krum. Krum and I met his running group at this park. We started our run and it was alright. Suddenly we started going up hill, then we came upon a small glacier of snow, reaching the top of the glacier I found that we running up the back side of an actual ski hill. Once we were up and down and away from the ski hill, the rest of the run wasn't too bad. It was a 7.5 mile loop with many hills. At the completion of the first loop, I said that I had had enough. But the rest of them went on for another loop. They are crazy if you ask me. After breakfast later with Krum I flew back to Green Bay. A.J. Hawk from the Packers was on my flight back to Green Bay, but I didn't bother him for a picture or anything. Upon getting back to my condo in Appleton, I hit the couch and watched the Brewer game. Around 4:30 I decided to take a quick nap and then go grocery shopping. My quick nap lasted until 11:00 p.m. I figured it was a little too late for the grocery store and just went back to bed. 13.5 hours of sleep can really make you feel like new.
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I wasn't very Liquid but it was a fun weekend. Bortke where were you Saturday.
I was tired so we decided to watch the last 4 episodes of Dexter Season 1 on DVD. It's such a great, well written show.
That's too bad Borky...we missed having you out with us Saturday.
First you are a hypocrite. I think you need to appologize to Horn. You make a big deal and call her "The Canceller" at brunch Saturday morning and then turn around and do the same thing Saturday night. The life of a Rock Star while glamorous, is not easy. Just giving you are hard time buddy.
Bork is notorious for bailing on night number two after a late Friday night.
I know Borky is going to be a no show for the Twins series in Milwaukee, but your twin brother, Preston, asked me if you were going to make the trip.
I love that show Dexter. I can sort of see how you got sucked into it and didn't meet us out :-)
1st of all, I am not a hippocrite. I don't do it all of the time =). Only once in a great while.
Second of all, I was tired, and wanted to spend some time w/ my lovely bride. Is that so bad? I think not.
And K-Mart, did I bail on the Shaw's Beer Bust night after a Friday night of drinkin? No. So there. Meow.
You know I love you sugar plum. I'm just giving you crap. I was actually just referring to the evening after W4W last year.
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