On to more enlightening topics. How about the weather? Just incredible. If the result of global warming is going to be a mild spring like we have been experiencing, I am all for it. Some quick research, and I found some of the major ways that the human race is contributing to global warming:
1. Driving your car which required the combustion of tremendous amounts of fossil fuels. These fuels have been storing carbon for thousands, possibly millions of years. When your car burns them, that carbon is instantly released as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I actually don't drive that much. My commute to work is less than 2 miles. The grocery store is 4 blocks away.
2. Buying your suburban home whose lot was cleared of existing trees and plants that were actively storing carbon. When those plants were killed to build your home, they stopped storing carbon and released all the carbon they had accumulated over tens or even hundreds of years. I live in the city and my house is 56 years old. And I have three trees on my lot. Although when I first bought my house is had 6.
3. Eating supermarket meat which requires both the clearing of land for growing animal feed and the use of enormous fossil fuel-powered machines in the production, processing and transportation of this feed (as well as the meat). If you eat beef, lamb or goat meat, you should know that those animals' digestive tracts produce methane, a major greenhouse gas. it may surprise you that animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions. I don't eat supermarket meat. I think it is disgusting. I only eat venison. With the exception of grinding up hamburger everything else is processed with just a knife.
Alright enough from the Earth Day soap box. Back to my weekend. Friday night was the loser double header, watching the Bucks then the Brewers.
Saturday I took part in the Breast Cancer walk at the Lake Front. I think this was my 4th time participating, in support and now in memory of my friend, Linda, who passed away last August. It was by far the best weather we have ever had. We started the walk out in the back of the pack and as we normally do, we also cut a couple corners. In fact we cut more corners than we usually do. It is suppose to be a 5 K walk. I would be surprise if we did more than 2 Ks. Here is some idea of the turn out. We were near the end and the number of walkers stretched from Discovery World past the Art Museum and half way out to the break water.
Saturday night was Roman's bachelor party. All I will really say about that, is that I had fun. Sunday I was in full recovery mode from the bachelor party. I got in a very long nap and took care of some things around the house.
Lyric of the day:
When the last bolt of sunshine hits the mountain, and the stars start to splatter in the sky,
When the moon splits the southwest horizon, with the scream of an eagle on the fly.
I will walk along by the black muddy river and listen to the ripples as they moan.
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