This testing does put a bit of stress on me. Last night we raised the bridge to fully open for the first time since September. It went OK. The only thing is that we aren't the most experienced at running the bridge and it is a bit difficult to get both of the leafs of the bridge to mate. At times there is a lot of loud banging and crashing of the two leafs into each other. Two nights ago I thought we had broke the bridge and I could literally feel my stomach drop about 3 inches watching. It was the most scared I had been in a long time. But we haven't broke anything real bad yet. My days here in Minnesota are number, I would guess I should be out of here in about a month. If anyone would like to help move, I am looking for helpers.
It's all ball bearings nowadays. I would prepare the bridge with some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads. Also, I'm gonna need 'bout ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State.
Bubs, You are really starting to impress me and moving to the top of my favorite blog readers. First you stick up for me after I was accused of being responcible for drunk driving deaths, now you are quoting Fletch. Plus you always sign your comments. Keep up the good work buddy.
thanks buddy
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