Monday, March 19, 2007
Red Bull and Vodka
Yes I was back in Colorado this past weekend. And I did get into a little bit of trouble. I stayed with Russ, but Russ was sick the entire weekend. Friday night I went out in Breckenridge with one of Russ' co-workers, Eric. I had just met Eric that day, but he wanted to go out for a drink or two and so did I. We went to a bar called Cecila's. It wasn't long until we were both drinking Red Bull and Vodka (Power Converters). We also mixed in a couple Irish Car Bomb shots to begin the St. Patricks Day celebration. As the bar began to fill up we made our way down to the dance floor. At one end of the dance floor was something of a stage, but it only stood maybe a foot higher than the rest of the dance floor. There were some girls that were dancing up on the stage. I thought it would be fun to jump up there as well. Immediately a bouncer came over and told me to get down and that only girls were allowed up there. I got down. Once he walked back to where he was sitting I jumped up there again. He came back again and told me not to do it again. As he was walking back, I jumped up on stage for the third time. Before I finish the rest of the story, I would like to state that I deserved what I got and I was absolutely antagonizing this bouncer. He turned around, ran at me, and tackled me off of the stage. I really wasn't expecting this type of reaction. Together we fell back onto the dance floor easily clearing out 9 or 10 people. I landed on my back with most of my weight and the weight of the bouncer falling on my elbows first. It was at this point that we wrestled around on the floor for a good minute or so, before another two bouncers came running and jumped on top of me. The three of them finally got me pinned to the floor chest down. It was at the point that they picked me up, one guy on each arm and another guy on my legs. In the process of being carried out of the bar, I managed to knock over at least 3 or 4 bar tables. It was somewhere in this time period that Eric, who again I had just met that night, spotted me getting carried out of the bar. He met me outside shortly after I had been dropped to the ground. The bouncers said if either of us tried to get back into the bar, that they would call the cops. Eric needed to get his jacket and close out his credit card tab. They wouldn't let Eric back in, so I told them to call the cops. After all I had just got assaulted by a bunch of over reacting bouncers. A single cop showed up and demanded to get my ID and ran a background check on me. When she came back from her squad car she told me that she got a call and that I was described as throwing punches and picking fights, which I was not. I immediately interrupted her to explain that I am a lover not a fighter. She did not care for my interjection and told me not to interrupt her. So I let her talk and say what she had to say, the entire time I was just staring right through her. After a good minute or two of her rambling she finally stopped talking. At which point I said to her, "Are you finished? Is it my turn to talk or what there something else you wanted to add?" Officer Lynn did not find me at all amusing, but she did then allow Eric to go back inside and get his jacket and close his tab. I continued to make an argument with Officer Lynn to get my $5 cover charge back. But despite my efforts I didn't get my money back. Eric and I eventually went on to another bar. Saturday was a pretty rough day for me. Both of elbows were just killing me and I was really hung over. Russ was still sick on Saturday so I went skiing with Marty. We got in a good 5 or 6 runs and then I just couldn't handle it any more. I felt like I was getting motion sickness from the skiing. I told Marty to take a couple runs by himself and I skiing over to the side of one of the runs and just laid down. Marty ended up doing three runs while I was there lying on the hill sleeping. Although I was pretty content just laying there. The weather was great, 45 degrees and sunny.
Here I am doing a shot ski at Copper Mountain with a group of Russ' co-workers. That is my wing man Eric on the left. As you can see, I have a T-shirt over my shoulder. There was something of a band playing at the bar and the bartenders were throwing out T-shirts during the show. But then this one bartender, who had a thing for me, because he had already bought me a couple beers and shots, told me to follow him to the bar, and he gave me a T-shirt.
Here I am with two of the three bouncers that carried me out of the bar. They stood outside with me while we were waiting for the police to show up. I tried to get them to pose with me, but they weren't real receptive to that idea, so this was the best that I could do. Jeff, the guy in the cowboy hat was a rather large guy. I am a little disappointed that it only took 3 guys to carry me out. The last time I was forceably removed from an establishment, it took 6 guys. I am losing my touch.
Here is Eric in discussion with Officer Lynn. I am currently working on getting a copy of the police report if indeed one exists.
This is back at the condo. You can see how took quite a bit of beating on my elbows. I lost some skin on my right elbows and you can see the blood staining through on my left elbow. They are still both really sore. In hindsight this is another example of poor decision making.
This was Saturday after skiing / sleeping. That is Russ on the left, Marty in the middle and me in the gorilla suit. This is in the village of Copper Mountain. The Samples were playing outdoors as part of the St. Patty's celebration.
Sunday we came back down the mountain and because Russ still wasn't feeling too great, I hung out with Marty all day. We stopped by Marty's place. Here is his daughter, Chloe. She is a really cute kid and you can just tell that Marty and Melissa are going to have their hands full with this little girl.
Sunday night, Russ and I stayed at Mana's place. While Russ was resting, I went out with Mana, Mana's cousin and his girlfriend. I am sorry but I forgot their names. But here we are at dinner. Mana is the one sitting across from me.
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1 comment:
How stupid. 17 year old knuckleheads get thrown out of bars. 30+ year old men ought to have enough brains not to have this happen. It's not funny and it's not cute. Disorderly conduct arrests will look real good on your engineer resume. Grow up.
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