Here is my weekend update for this last weekend. Up here in Minnesota we have been getting dumped on with the snow as of late. To give you some idea, here is my townhouse in September.

And here it is yesterday. Now I know that much of that snow is piled up from the snow plowing but it is still a lot of snow. More than I have seen in a while. In case you are wondering, no I did not do any of the snow shoveling. My complex takes care of that.

I didn't do much this weekend. Friday night I literally did nothing. I did watch Hooisers, which I haven't seen in a while. If you have never seen it, Dennis Hopper is incredible in it. Although I am not sure how much of what he did was acting.
Saturday I meet a group of friends in Minneapolis at a bar called Bullwinkels. There was a "Tippy Cup" Tournament going on that Borky was in. For those of you who don't know what it is here is a
link to explain. So I went and watched. Believe it or not, I am still trying to dry out from Mexico. I was in a bar for 4 hours and didn't have a single drink. And get this beer was free for those in the tournament. Borky was offering me free beer and I was turning it down. I know it sounds insane. Anyhow here is Borky in action.

This is Kmart helping Myra drink her beer.

Sunday I went skiing with Amy and Lisa at
Trollhaugen. I decided to go back to sporting the gorilla suit. Especially after Russ and Krum gave me such grief for not bringing it with me the last time I was in Colorado. Anyhow back to Sunday, after a couple of runs the three of us went in to get something to eat. After we were done eating, I got up to go to the bathroom and walked past the group pictured below. It was the birthday of the girl dressed in black. Someone in the group asked me if I was going to sing "Happy Birthday". My first reaction was no. But then I saw that they had some left over birthday cake. I told them I would sing if they gave me a piece of cake. They said sure. So I sang and got some cake. As always when I seem to pose in a group picture with people I don't know, the group is always so happy to be in the picture with me. I think I just need to start hanging out with strangers more often. Normally my friends and family don't look this happy when they are in pictures with me. Look at those smiles, and they are genuine as well.

Here I am with the cake. And I have to say that it was some of the best cake I have ever had, as good if not better than the yellow and green jello cake that my mom makes. It was fantastic.

I later finally went to the bathroom and came back to find that that group had given the rest of the cake to Amy and Lisa while I was gone. Amy and Lisa didn't have to sing for the cake, whcih doesn't seem fair. But I had another 2 pieces so I probably shouldn't complain. After we had our fill of cake Amy, Lisa and I headed back out to the slopes. Here we are at the top of the hill with the "Lucky Pierre" pose.

That pretty much does it for my weekend. I will try to come up with some good stuff for this week. I will be back home to Milwaukee this coming weekend.
we call that Flip Cup out here in Cali
gets ya drunkie quick
I guarantee that you will have something to post after St. Patty's day. Just hang out with me for a weekend, I'll give you plenty of material. Now if we can only get David Stegall Esq. to hang out...
Who is the David Stegall you are talking about?
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