Friday afternoon I went and saw "300". It was just O.K. Pretty much Braveheart but with Spartans instead of Scotsman. And the story line was worse. 300 Spartan warriors led by their king take on the entire Persian army whose numbers are in the thousands. I did like how the film was shot, everything was very clear and crisp. You would have to see it to understand what I am talking about. I am going to say that it has to do something with computers. Also, most of the action shots are slowed down so you can see every decapitation and amputation clearly which I liked. The blood splatters are computerized and if you ask me they could have made it more bloody but they didn't. Good for them. Although I find it hard to believe that all Spartans had six pack abs like portrayed in the movie. I swear the entire cast must have been doing ab crunches whenever they weren't shooting. It made me feel really fat as I sat and watched eating my Nutter Butters. I will give the movie a "5".
I hate to say it buddy, but the story line of the movie is historically accurate, so you can't say it's bad or unrealistic. The battle of the Thermopylae really happened on August 11th, 480 BC and the Spartans were outnumbered by that many. The battle is considered important because it basically saved modern day democracy. If the Greek City-States never came together as one nation and defeated the Persians, we would probably not know what the hell democracy is. They do skip a large naval battle that also took place. You are correct though, they must have been doing crunches in between takes. I felt fat as well while eating my pretzel bites.
Professor Klink,
I didn't say that the story line wasn't historically accurate, I just said that it was worse than Braveheart. So what you are saying is that William Wallace had the same speech writer as King Leonidas.
Bubs...come on dude.
Some of the dialogue was a little weak. I agree.
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