It was a pretty rough weekend for me. I got into town Friday evening and watched the first half of the Badger Game at my brother, Dan's, place. Then I had dinner with Chris, Rebecca, Angela and Vanessa. We watched the DVD with all of the pictures from Mexico on it. Around midnight or so, I met Nate out in downtown Milwaukee. I ended up staying out with Nate until the bars closed. Knowing that I had the Blarney 5K run in the morning, I didn't want to be hung over. Which means I went shopping for some food to cook up. By the time I finished eating a pizza it was just after 4 in the morning, then I went to bed. Staying up nearly all night probably isn't the best preparation for a race. In fact I am going to unofficially claim that I was up later than anyone who ran the race. I had set the goal of 25 minutes for the run, but came up a bit short finishing in 25 minutes and 55 seconds. I am guessing more than 4 hours of sleep would have improved my time, but I don't think it would have cut a whole minute off. After the race I went with Pretzel, who did the race with me, and her sister and some of their friends down to Leff's Luckytown. The plan was to stay for a glass or two of green beer and some cheese curds. Then the Badger game came on. The next thing I know the pitchers are coming to the table two at a time and we are doing shots off of a down hill ski (A shot ski). I was back home by 5:30 or 6 and I started ripping up the carpeting in my basement. Not even as close to as much fun as it sounds. I met my family out in Delafield for some drinks. That continued on over to a bar in Okachee until I finally got kicked out of the bar at 2:30 in the morning. Sunday morning I had breakfast with the Stegall family, and then enjoyed the remainder of the fabulous day in my truck driving back up to Minnesota.
Vanessa and Angela Friday night,

Here I am ripping up my carpeting Saturday evening. It had been about 3 weeks since the pipe burst and the carpeting was still soaking wet.

Based on your account of summer workin' in Lake Geneva you know the area well. I need to go there for a yoga conference but don't want to stay at the expensive resort where the conference is being held and some of the other hotels I've checked are already booked. Any ideas of places I might try to stay? I love to camp but a hotel would be fine as well.
That's why stegall didn't show up for cards on Saturday!
A yoga conference? Are you kidding me? Who goes to yoga conferences? I am guessing that the resort is the old playboy club. The only other place I know to stay at is the Hilton in down town Lake Geneva. It has been at least 10 years since I have been in that area. So I really have no idea. Sorry. But have fun at the hoga conference
I thought Lake Geneva was near your hometown. I guess I was wrong. And I guess you won't be joining any yoga classes anytime soon.
Sorry, Lake Geneva is probably close to an hour from my parents house. And the actual lake I used to know pretty well, but not any more. But, yes you were right, I probably won't be joining any yoga classes. I don't have a problem with yoga, I just find it hard to believe that there are actually yoga conferences. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
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