I hope you all enjoyed the pictures from Mexico. I forgot to mention it, but I would like to extend a big thank you to Chris and Rebecca for inviting me along on the trip. I sincerely hope that we can do it again. I have finished the DVD from the trip and it is pretty stinking good if I do say so myself. A great soundtrack, you guys are going to love it. But that really means nothing to my other readers. I am a bit depressed about the trip being over, because now I really have nothing to look forward to. The only thing I have on the horizon is my move to Appleton once my project here is completed. I know that will be a sad day for Ms. Anonymous. Are you still reading regularly Ms. Anonymous?
I did just get some pictures today from Jen who was on the trip from the Karyoke contest that I got screwed in. Here they are:

You probably can't tell from the pictures, but I was singing Suspicious Minds by Elvis.

Some other highlights, well maybe this is a low light, the weekend before my trip I came home. On that Friday night, I stopped at my Milwaukee home and the plan was to stop in quick, program the thermostat at a comfortable temperature and then go and meet Nate. As I walked into my cold house and was reprogramming my thermostat, I listened to hear that my house was dead silent except for the steady trickle of water coming from the basement. I walked to the basement steps, flipped the light switch and looked down to see a steady river of water washing across the carpeting and curling around the door into the utility room. Not good. I quickly ran downstairs and shut off the water. Realizing there was nothing more I could do, I went and met Nate and then went to the bar. I was confused about this water problem and eventually left the bar, mildly intoxicated, came home and started swinging a hammer into the wall to find the source of this water problem. After a couple of holes it was soon discovered that the water lines that go to my basement bar sink had froze and burst. I calculated that the water could have been running like that for up to 5 or 6 days. Any guessing on how much my next water bill will be? So this summer I will be doing some drywall repair.

Today Minnesota got something like 8 inches of snow. Or so I was told. The roads were pretty bad. On my drive home, this struck me as somewhat odd. Maybe you can help me out with this one, but isn't this a weird place to park your vehicle?

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