Wednesday, February 08, 2012

High School Drafting Assignment

I was digging through some stuff the other day and ran across this. This goes way back to my high school days. I had taken some drafting classes, and if I recall correctly, my Junior year of high school the school got their first AutoCad computers. I want to say the version was 2 or 3, for all I know it might have been the first version. I knew more about AutoCad than the teacher. That would be Mr. Piazzi. The athletic department had come to Mr. Piazzi and asked to have a campus map drawn up to be used in programs and to circulate to other schools for when they needed directions to the school. I was asked to draw something up, and I made sure that my name was on it. I recall Mr. Piazzi asking me to make my name smaller. I told him no. And there was nothing he could do about it because he didn't know how to change it. Not to mention, I had the file buried in one of the directories and named something like, "jerkweed1". The year after I graduated from high school and I was home for the weekend. That weekend the soccer team was playing in a tournament and I had a number of friends on the team, so I went to watch the game. As I walked into the football stadium they had programs, I grabbed one and I was surprised to see that they had my map in the program because some of the games were at a field off campus. Below is the map.Not surprisingly you can see that I made my name as big as any other wording on the map. I have really grown up.

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