Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Eric's Engagement Party

At times I like to be confrontational. Often I do this to prove my own intellectual superiority. You may recall the instance where I called Borky a hypocrite and he finally agreed with me. If you check out the posting on the "Worst Movie of All Time", Eric made a comment that the party that we attended, was in fact Anna's birthday party and not their engagement party. I would like to refute this statement. Here are the facts. While it was promoted as a party to celebrate Anna's birthday. It was the first time that Eric and Anna publicly announced their engagement. There wasn't a cake with candles that Anna blew out. But there was champagne and a toast welcoming Anna to the family, during which Eric's mom cried. I have to call it an engagement party. But as so often the case, in circumstances where I do not care what the outcome is, I call on my loyal readers to decide. Here a poll. But first here are some pictures from the day helping to prove my point that this was an engagement party.
Anna with Champagne, not birthday cake, during the welcome to the family speech. We didn't even sing "Happy Birthday". Also no spanking machine, check that, I left around 2 in the morning, there might have been a spanking machine later on. Eric, do you care to field that one?Note Eric's mom, second from the right, crying. Also see Michel in the back, wearing black, laughing.Eric, two fisting it. And here is what seals the deal, it isn't an engagement party until there is a dog crapping in the yard.
Based on the facts that I presented, was it an engagement or birthday party?
Eric's right, a birthday party
Eric is wrong, an engagment party
You are both wrong, dog crapping party
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