Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wiffelball #1

On Saturday afternoon I had a wiffleball tournament to play in. Mike Braun, one of my best friends from high school, and his brothers have an all day tournament at their parents house. It is a highlight of the summer. I think this was the 5th year.
When they were kids and Thurman Munson of the Yankees died, they went into the woods and buried his baseball card. Since the advent of this tournament, each year they bury another sports figure that passed away in the previous year. This year it was John Wooden. Here is Joe with the coffin.
Here is the sports cemetery. But while pounded the headstone into the ground,we lost some letters. And it ended up that we buried John Woden. Which ironically brings me to a famous John Wooden "If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?" I wonder if that picture of John Wooden in the coffin turned over in his little grave?
Here is Joe at the plate.
Paul coming home after a trip around the bases.
Andy at the plate.
Back to the Sports Cemetery. Here is Joe's moving burial service.

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