Thursday, November 10, 2011

Public Apology

I am not wrong often, but when I am, I admit. At least I hope I do. I need to apologize to my brother in law, Tim. I think this goes back to when I was in college, or maybe just out of college. But it was deer season and I was home during the day slaving away in my parent's garage cutting up deer by myself. Tim was there helping out where he could. He would grind hamburger when needed, make a run to grab some boxes, help my mom by putting the meat on the paper before she wrapped it or make a drink when someone was thirsty. Tim then made the mistake of stepping up to the cutting table to help me. As far as I know, up until that point the closest Tim had been to butchering an animal was slicing up a steak at Sizzler. It also didn't help that Tim is color blind and couldn't tell the difference between the white fat or the red meat. I know that I didn't yell and scream at him, but also didn't give him too much encouragement. And for that I am sorry. What made me think of this, was Tuesday night when I stopped by parent's house and stuck around to cut up a couple of deer that were waiting to be processed. Two of my nephews, Zack and Ethan, helped out. And I gave them much more attention, understanding and instruction than I gave to Tim. Tim deserved better from me. And the main reason that I was so attentive and understanding towards my nephews was due to some advice I got from my sister in law, Jody, this summer that I hope I never forget. It was at my Freeman Party before the games started. All she said was, "Be nice." So this is my public apology and the next time I see Tim face to face I will also apologize.


Anonymous said...

What step is this in the AA process?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for helping me uncle Rick

Ethan Davies