Monday, September 05, 2011

Classy vs Unclassy

It has been a long time since I have had a poll on my blog. But here is a new one. Allow me to paint a picture for you. You are having a little backyard get together with no more than 10 people. Fairly intimate. One person in attendance is a good friend. No wait, a great friend. No wait....a lifelong friend. (Give them no where to go. No use trying to disarm a bomb after it has already gone off. (Anyone???)) So this life long friend throws their cigarette butts in the yard. What do you think, Classy or Unclassy? Alright not replace cigarette butts with bottle caps. Classy or Unclassy?

Throwing cigarette butts / bottle caps in someone else's backyard?
They are Klinks, what did you expect?
Free polls from

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