Friday, December 16, 2011

Here is some more Office Humor

I walked into the office one day and there was a bit of a hub bub going on around my Project Manager’s (and direct boss, Pete) cubicle. Pete was gone on this day. Lately the office had been suffering a bit of an invasion of fruit flies (dysofoila melonagaster). And my co-workers had found the source. It was Pete’s trash can where he had been throwing orange peels, apple cores and banana peels and not emptying out on a regular basis. We had a team meeting that day, and when Pete is not in the office, he assigns me the task of running the meeting. First order of business, Pete’s trash can. I made a strong argument that Pete was to reprimanded. He would have to wash out his trash can and would loss his in cubicle privileges for the remainder of the year. Everyone was in favor of this punishment. Then after the meeting someone mentioned that we should put up some signs and caution tape. I have to be honest, it only takes a slight push in the right direction to get me going. After putting up the warning and for the rest of the day, whenever someone walked by Pete’s cubicle, they asked me what it was all about and there was the immediate accusation that I was the culprit to put up the warnings. This same thing happened at my parent’s house during deer season. My brother, Dan, shot a prize buck this year, and brought over a picture of him posing with his trophy. I eventually blacked out one of Dan’s teeth on the picture. Everyone who entered the garage and saw the picture immediately assumed that I was the person to deface the picture. Am I that predictable?


Anonymous said...

Looks like you will need to write Office Space 2


Rickie Davies said...

Sorry Doggie, but most of my ideas are being had by "Workaholics" on Comedy Central.