Sunday, January 08, 2006

Word For The Day

Today's word is "Pathetic". It is an adjective who's meaning is that which evokes tenderness, pity and/or sorrow. Yesterday afternoon I was feeling a bit hungry so I took a look in the old refrigerator and this is what I found.

If you look closely, all you will see are condiments, a carton of eggs, 8 water bottles and two bagels. The pitcher of water and the leftovers on the top right shelf, they all belong to my roommate, Jim, who moved out at the beginning of last month. I defy anyone who isn't cleaning their refrigerator to come up with a more pathetic array of food. However, I would like to state that my collection of condiments is rather impressive. Also I do not have any food that is rotten or moldy in there. Although I am guessing some of Jim's stuff is getting close.

If you want to see something even more pathetic, let's take a look at my refrigerator in the basement. You guessed it all beer.

And lastly you can see exactly how pathetic my life has become as this is the topic of my blog today. I am talking about the state of my refrigerators. I have to dig up some old stories and fast.


Anonymous said...

Well, Rick my life is just as "happening". I read every word of the frig story. We are in Texas and there is nothing to do but sit and read your blog.

Anonymous said...

You make all the bachelor's proud Rickie.
