Nate and Jay trying to untangle Jay's drop line from the prop on Nate's boat. Jay did eventually catch something on the drop line. A turtle. But that was Sunday morning when we were leaving, after I had all of my stuff including my camera back at the boat launch.

Here is Jay retreating back up to camp after firing a potato at a barge with the potato gun. We had three guns, but there were igniter problems. We did still get quite a few rounds off. And came close to hitting this barge. Probably within ten feet. Just good clean fun.

We went deep into the woods of the island and knocked over some trees for fire wood. Jay, Nate and I pushed over one tree. Here we are, Nate, Bob and I towing the trees back to our camp site. This actually worked out really well.

This is cutting up the wood and hauling it up to the camp site.

This is the view looking south from our camp site.

Here is our camp site.

I know that this is going to sound crazy to some of you. And if I told you this story, I doubt you would believe me. That is why I am happy I got this picture. I was at the campsite and just looking out on the river. And out of nowhere this thing comes up out of the water. I don't know what it was, but I had never seen anything like it before in my life. I realize that Scotland is a long ways away. But I now believe in the Loch Ness Monster and I believe that something of that sort is living in the Mississippi. I will tell you this, I didn't go back in the water. No one else that was camping with me believed me either. But look at the picture and tell me what you think it was.

Borky with the potato gun.

Even though we were on a sand bar. We weren't the first ones to camp there. This is what I found to be the best foot ware for around the camp site. Duct tape shoes.

I know this picture didn't turn out too well. But the is the group, me, Jay, Borky, Tim, Eric, Bob, Nate and Joe.

Steaks cooking over the fire Saturday night.

This was the view out my tent looking west back home to the state of Minnesota.

I think your picture is of a duck...oh how scary!
Ducks fly away. Sea monsters swim down under the water.
Your Loch Ness Mississippi monster looks like someone's arm. I smell a hoax.
Arms are attached to people. They don't go down under the water and swim away.
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