After the game M.K.A. had a house party at his place. I was Frank the Tank at the party. The oldest person there by 10 years. Then we went to a bar downtown for a bit. At 1:45 Saturday morning I dropped M.K.A. and Katie off at M.K.A.'s place. It was at this point that I was at a cross roads. The Shermans had been trying all evening to get me to go to the Badger game with them Saturday afternoon. I had the Brewer game to go to Saturday night and as I was driving to my brother's place I realized I had no real good excuse not to go to the Badger game later that morning. Rather than wake up early, I just decided to head straight to Madison. I arrived at my buddy, Joe's, house at 4 in the morning. I had left him a voicemail but didn't want to wake him up by ringing the doorbell, so I just went back out on his deck and slept on this sofa deck chair. At around 6 in the morning, Joe got my voicemail, came downstairs and let me into the house. Let that be a lesson to all of you, I can show up at any time any where. I am highly unpredictable. I met the Shermans down at Big Ten Pub around 10:00 in the morning. Shortly after the kickoff I made my way down to glorious Camp Randall and was able to relieve a poor student of his student section ticket. $10 for a student section seat. It is just too easy. Being that the Badgers fell behind early it made the game all that more exciting, at least for a little while. I finally tracked down Tom Brady and Pocahontas in the student section just before Marshall scored their second and final touchdown. I left the game about halfway through the fourth quarter and caught a cab back to Joe's place.
I followed Joe to Milwaukee and we met Preston at my old house. Then we proceeded down to the parking lot to tailgate. We were a bit mellow while tailgating, but then Nate showed up. And while we didn't get too crazy Nate was in full story mode. Anyone who has been around Nate when he is in story mode knows how entertaining this can be. And I have to admit, it was good to have story mode Nate around for a night. We didn't get to our seats until the 4th inning. And it was a good game to watch. After the game, Preston ditched us and Nate and I went out for a drink. I ended up staying at Nate's that night and headed back home to Appleton, first thing in the morning. I spent all of Sunday on the couch watching football and nursing my knee. All of that running around really took it's toll on my knee. While it was a fun and eventful weekend, in the future I need to make better decisions concerning my health and maybe take things a little easier. I realize that my brain is still young, but my body has a lot of miles on it. And I had been contemplating going to the Packer game tonight, but based on how I feel, that just is not in my best interests. However, there is still an excellent chance that I head up to Green Bay Friday night and attempt to scalp some Neil Diamond tickets. Anyhow enough of my rambling, here are the photos from the weekend.
While we are tailgating for the Whitewater game, two girls from the gymnastics team came by selling raffle tickets. I told them I would buy some if they did hand stands. I wish I had gotten M.K.A.'s address before the game because there is a chance that I would have had a couple of the gymnastics team over for the party. Not likely, but a chance. For the future, M.K.A. is at 1128 Carriage Way. I think that is right.
Here are Tom Brady, Pocahontas, Justin, P.O.E., M.K.A. and Katie. This was just as I was leaving to go and meet Joe. You can see M.K.A. is still a bit salting from getting his nachos knocked out of his hands. When it happened, he had a bit of Roid Rage going on. Relax, they were on $4 nachos.
This was the final pitch of the Brewer Game Saturday night.
Some quick thank yous to people who made my weekend what it was. Jon and Julie, Joe and Nate for allowing me to sleep at their houses. The Shermans for inviting me to both football games. Mom and Dad for the pizza brats. The dumb alcoholic freshman for selling me his Badger ticket. Joe for inviting me to the Brewer Game. Nate for the Brewer tickets. Bubs for ditching me. If I am missing anyone, I apologize for not acknowledging you here, but thank you for whatever you did.
Easy Rickie, you were right that I wasn't trying very hard in arm wrestling. But you are certainly wrong by saying that you beat me. You never had a chance, but you gave it a good effort. Better luck next time.
Thanks Rickie for putting up with the party-hardy SHERMANS- always a good time- also thanks for the Boone's Farm -Dave and Marilyn
M.K.A., When you get your own blog, then you can spread your own propaganda. Until that time, I beat you in arm wrestling.
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