Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Friday Night Wedding

Two weeks ago, I had a wedding weekend, one on Friday and one Saturday. Friday night was a wedding for a co-worker. It was at the Boerner Botanical Gardens in Franklin. It was a very nice setting. Here is the one thing I like about outdoor weddings, they are always short. I don't recall one that went over 20 minutes. After the service was a one hour cocktail hour which was fine. Then they corralled everyone into the reception hall for the dinner. The problem here, the entire wedding party was out among the grounds having pictures taken, and for some reason they cut off the alcohol until dinner was served. This had everyone sitting at their tables with water for 45 minutes until the wedding party returned. Once they got back, they began serving the meal and the bar was opened. But as I quickly learned once I reached the front of the line, the bar was only open to the wedding party. What? I don't need alcohol to have a good time, but it helps. 2 hours had gone passed until the time that the guests were allowed to get a drink from the bar. I was at a table with a number of my co-workers, and by 10:00 I had decided to call it a night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW sounds like they really wanted to have control over there quest, sounds like a really good time NOT