Friday, August 14, 2009

Jumping Over Kids

I learned at Linda's funeral reception that I had a number of new readers of my blog. Or at least they were interested in what I had to say about Linda. I was surprised at the number of people that I had never met before, that came up to me, introduced themselves and thanked me for what I wrote. I appreciated them thanking me, but if you knew Linda, it was so easy to write those things about her. But what these new readers don't know, is that often hide my true emotions with jokes and humor. So if these new readers are still coming back for more, get ready because here is a sample of the stupid stuff that you will find on my blog 95% of the time.

I think it was two or three years ago that I first attempted to jump one of my nephews. Every summer I have to make at least one attempt at it. But as these kids get taller and I get older it is harder and harder to do. Here I am at attempt number one over Ethan. After Ethan bails and while still in the air you can hear me say, "oh you little"

But the second time Ethan didn't chicken out.

I then attempted going over Tony's son, Matt. He is a little taller than Ethan and it was close.

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