Monday, January 31, 2011

127 Hours

I had been meaning to go see this movie for a while, but missed my opportunity, or so I thought. But with this movie being up for an Academy Award it was re-released and this weekend I went to see it. The movie is a true story that follows Aron Balston, who is a bit of a loner that enjoys the great outdoors. He sets out on an adventure to explore a canyon in a remote part of Utah. However, he does not inform anyone of his plans or his destination before hand. While exploring a crevasse in the canyon, a freak mishap leaves him in quite the predicament to say the least. I liken his situation to locking yourself out of you car where you can still see your keys dangling from the ignition. Well it is sort of like that, but multiplied by a million times. He soon begins to run low on water and food. Eventually realizing that his time is running out, and that no one will come looking for him for days, he must make the most extreme of decisions. His story is an extraordinary example of the human will to survive. As you leave the theater you are left asking yourself if you could have survived the same situation. On a scale of 1 to 10 this is an easy 8 maybe a 9. I highly recommend seeing this movie before it is no longer in theaters.

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