Monday, May 16, 2011

Caddyshack Fan

The other night my friend, Josh, from Minnesota was in town. Nate and I went out to meet Josh for a couple of drinks. During this little get together a number of stories came out. Somehow we got on to the topic of the movie “Caddyshack”. And this story surfaced to the top. Back in my college days, I got wind of the fact that the Paradise Theater located at National Ave and Greenfield Ave was closing. The last movie that they were going to show was “Caddyshack”. I don’t recall everyone in our group that went to the movie, but I do know that my friend, Tate, was there. You can say whatever you would like about today’s big screens and home entertainment centers, but there is no substitute for seeing a movie on the big screen. There are little subtle things that you just can’t pick up on your television. For instance, during a shot of the locker room you can read the graffiti on the sides of the lockers. I don’t think it is much of an exaggeration that both Tate and I had seen “Caddyshack” at least 50 times. Mid way through the movie, Tate noticed he had something stuck to the bottom of his shoe. As he ran his hand across the bottom of his shoe, he learned that somewhere on the walk to the theater that he stepped in dog crap. Tate whispered to me something to the effect, “Oh man, I stepped in dog crap.” I asked him if he wanted me to step out in the aisle so that he could go to the bathroom. He said to me, “Are you kidding? I am not missing any of this movie.” So he sat through the rest of the movie with dog crap on his hand. That my friends, is a true “Caddyshack” fan.