Friday, May 27, 2011


One Million Three Hundred Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty Eight. 1,317,588. That is the number of casualties that the United States of American has suffered in all wars.
Here is the top ten:
10. Philippine War (1898-1902) 4,196 deaths
9. Iraq (2003-2011) 4,430 deaths
8. Mexican-American War (1846-1848) 13,283 deaths
7. War of 1812 (1812-1815) 20,000 deaths
6. War of Independence (1775-1783) 25,000 deaths
5. Korean War (1950-1953) 36,914 deaths
4. Vietnam War (1964-1973) 58,169 deaths
3. World War I (1917-1918) 116,708 deaths
2. World War II (1941-1945) 407,316 deaths
1. Civil War (1861-1865) 623,026 deaths

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

This weekend while you are grilling out, watching the kids play soccer, opening the pool or just getting together with friends and family, take a moment to reflect on why it is you are freely able to participate in these activities. Take a moment this weekend from complaining about the cost of gasoline, to think of the cost 1,317,588 individuals laid down for your freedom. Those 13 stripes and 50 stars fly freely over our heads for a reason. We live in the greatest country in the world because of the love, dedication and ultimate sacrifice of others. Please don’t take that for granted this Memorial Day weekend


M.K.A. said...

couldn't have said it better myself Rickie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen Rickie!!
