Friday, July 01, 2011

Summerfest Night 1

Night 1 at Summerfest was a good night. I went with Jon, Julie and Tony, but then Brian and Nancy showed up later. At first we walked around on the north end of the festival grounds, but eventually made our way to the Miller Stage and sat at the picnic tables for a little while. This is where Jon made the comment "LOOK AT HOW BIG THAT GUY'S SAUSAGE IS!!!" So I took a picture of his sausage. I guess Jon was right. Technically I didn't capture that comment totally accurately. There really wasn't an exclamation mark, let alone 3, nor was there a need for bold and all capitals. But it makes the story a little bit more funny.
So here is our group.
This was somewhat ironic. Nate had just called me and minutes later I run into Nate's biggest fan, Freeway. So I called Nate back right away and gave Freeway the phone. Pay back buddy. And I had to get a picture with him. Brian and Nancy first met a Summerfest something like 25 years ago. Anytime I am with them at Summerfest, I make it a point to go to the very "Spot" where they met. You can still see the magic in their eyes. And then Tony and Jon jumped into the picture to be "That Guy".Me with Julie and NancyWe timed the entire night rather well. We were over by the M&I Bank Stage when the fireworks started and we walked over quickly and had a great vantage point. Video of the grand finale to come.This is something of a funny story. The next morning I was going through my pictures and I got to this one. I have no idea who these people are. But the more that I though about it, I remembered how I got this picture. I had left my group to go to the bathroom. And as I was making my way back I saw these people posing for a picture that someone from their group was taking. I offered to take their picture for them. Then I insisted that they take one with me and there group. They took this same picture and I am sure the next morning they were thinking, "Hey remember that really good looking guy who took our picture for us. He is one of our pictures."
To be honest, when I left my group to go to the bathroom I didn't make a straight line back to them. And I ran into a couple of people I knew. Including my friend, Mick. And by the time I got back to my group they were no longer in the same spot. Since I was a man without a home, I thought I would see how close I could get to the stage. Hall and Oates was playing. I caught the last 5 or 6 songs from this vantage point.

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