Thursday, July 28, 2011

U2 at Gopher Stadium

Saturday was the big U2 show. Walking around the stadium before hand there certainly was an electricity in the air. Although I will say that it was a much older crowd than I expected. I don't think that today's kids listen to too much U2. The forecast for the evening called for rain. I like to get a gage on people's expectations of the show. I like to poll people and ask them what is the one song that they really want to hear that night. This is also a good way to separate the die hard fans from the band wagon jumpers. But on this night my first question was "Did you bring a rain coat?" Easily 75 percent of those polled had rain gear. That really surprised me. I went to the concert with my friend, K.O. We started at Sally's, but then walked over to BW3's were a group of about 12 of our friends were pre-partying. Here is Borky, K.O., Schoen and myself.Borky and I after leaving BW3's and getting ready to head in to the show.It is always a good thing when you have a Moose sighting. Mary Moose came down to enjoy in the pre concert festivities. He was going to try and scalp a ticket, but I doubt that he got in. Borky, K.O., me, Schoen and Marty Moose.K.O. and MartyK.O. with the huge stage in the background.
Here is the opening song: Even Better Than the Real Thing

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