Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Camping Day 2

The big talk before the camping trip was the trebuchet. Well the fact that I had to work Thursday and into Friday morning, and I wouldn't be to the island until later on Friday night, I decided that it would not be worth it to bring it on the trip this year. In fact I traveled as light as ever, 2 camping bins, a cooler and a backpack. I guess on to the pictures and video. Here is Eric with the Mean Machine, a 6 foot rocket that Nate made back when he was living with me.I think some people know about the game "Foot in the Cooler". It is a game that Borky invented in which you stick your foot into a cooler filled with ice and water, mostly ice, and you see how long you can go before you can't take it any longer. Since it was early in the trip and Borky's cooler was still mostly filled, he modified the game to "Hand in the Cooler" thinking that our hands were so much cleaner than our hands. Here we are playing.Borky made it 17 minutes and 40 seconds. Even though I won, I kept my hand in for a full 20 minutes just to prove a point. And what was that point? I have no idea.
This was the view looking south down the river Saturday morning. It was easily the best weather we have ever had on the camping trip.
People ask what do we do on the island. I will be completely honest, nothing productive. In the past we have brought kites to see how high we could get them. But there wasn't much wind over the weekend, so to get a kite to fly we used the boat. Here are Bob and Tim flying a kite behind the boat.Tim brought a roll of plastic and we made a slip and slide. After a couple runs, it got a little boring so we made a jump at the end. That made it a little more exciting. Here is Doug.


Anonymous said...

I invented foot in the cooler. Don't let Borky tell you otherwise.


Anonymous said...

I never "claimed" to have invented it. But I have perfected it.


Rickie Davies said...

Perfected it? You lost. 20 minutes my friend.

Anonymous said...

I meant - another creative way of doing it so your cooler ice and contents aren't ruined afterwards.

Basically I found out I can only go 17:40 w/ out a smoke on the island, plus my back was getting sore.
