Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blackjack Skiing Pictures

I promised these pictures a while ago. Eric took them, and I just remembered to remind him to send them to me the other day. Here are some action photos from the last ski trip. This is proof that chickens can fly.Here is a little daffy action for you. I bombed the top half of the hill to hit the jump hot on this run. It looks like I got decent air. You always want to check your speed going into a jump, at least I do. I have to always tell myself not to. I was once told the key to taking jumps, and more importantly landing them, is to throw you hands forward as you take off. As you can see I need to work on that a little, but I did land every jump that day.
I did pull up short on this trip. I really wanted to attempt a 360, but I guess you could say that I "chickened" out everytime as I approached the jump. What I need is for Nate to go skiing with me, because if he tries it, I can't let him out do me and I will have to try it. However, based on recent conversations with Nate, I believe it will be a while before he hits a ski hill again.

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