Monday, August 17, 2009


Two weekends ago I was in Minnesota. I had a free weekend and I decided to fly up to Minnesota for a couple of days. This is how lazy I have become, I will not drive up to Minnesota any more. If round trip tickets are $120, I am flying. Friday night I stayed with Borky, we got in some beer pong, although I was looking forward to playing regular ping pong. Saturday we didn't get an early start, it could have been because we were up until 3 in the morning watching the Big Lewbowski. Saturday afternoon, Borky, Mrs. Borky and myself went out for lunch and then saw the movie "Funny People". I will give you my 5 line review of the movie. It was 2.5 hours long. Only 1/3 of the movie was actually funny, still some good lines, but not what I was expecting. I will give a 4 out of 10. I think I am off of Seth Rogan movies. Everything has been a let down since Superbad. Saturday night I stayed with K.O. and Trooper. We had a dinner party at their place with Krum, Melissa, Young and Flo. This is the second time I have been to one of their dinner parties, and the conversation was much less high brow. Our hot button topic of the evening was if you could make a business out of taking people's ashes and launching them into the air in a firework. I was proven wrong by Krum and we later found out that such businesses already exists. Sunday afternoon, I had lunch with Kaker and that was the extent of my trip.
Krum picked me up from the airport, but before we could go to Borky's, I had to help Krum jump his car that he was selling the next morning, at 5:30 in the morning. Weird.
Krum and I were a team at beer pong.I will be honest, Krum made all but one of our shots.But we still beat K-Mart and Borky.Look at these two losers, literally.The dinner party at K.O.'s and Troopers.This is Young. Young has the most talented corn on the cob eater I have ever seen. He can eat a single row of corn with his teeth. Try it next time, it is hard to do. And here is Krum, the fro is back.Thanks to everyone who made the weekend what it was. I will be back in October for the Gopher - Badger game.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the good times Rickie...can't wait to have you stay with us again for the gopher/badger game...