Friday, November 13, 2009


Despite some bumps in the road, I am well on my way to some more remodeling at my house. More specifically, I will be doing work to the Lincoln Bedroom, the office and the living room. I believe the window situation is resolved. But to be prepared for the windows, I need to get some things done. I have ripped all of the trim off of the windows. The next steps are removing all of the base molding, painting the ceilings, installing ceiling fans, painting the walls. While removing the trim around one of the upstairs windows, I found that the actual window frame was behind the door frame to the closet. Yes the closet that I locked myself out of. As you can see from the picture, I ripped the entire door frame out. And apparently the old window frames were green.
As I was taking care of things in the living room, I finally got rid of the curtains. They were absolutely hideous. They are the original curtains that came with the house when I bought it. And they have never been washed. I don't know, are you suppose to wash the curtains every once in a while? I don't recall who it was, but shortly after moving into my house way back in 1997, someone told me that I had to get rid of those curtains. And I told them, don't worry I am on it. 12 years later I finally threw them out.I have decided to try something a little different this weekend. I am going to try and get more pictures this weekend. The plan is to set the alarm on my watch to go off every hour on the hour and take a picture of what I am doing or what I am looking at. This could be interesting.

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