Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday Activities

I thought I would try an experiment this weekend and you can be the judge if it worked or not. I took a picture of what I was doing, or what I was looking at, every hour on the hour. But unfortunately for you, I didn't do much of anything.
10:00 a.m. I paid some bills.11:00 a.m. I cleaned everything out of my office so I could begin on ripping out all of the trim base boards. I am getting new windows. So this seemed like the right time to paint and replace the trim throughout the house. I hate painted trim, to that is why I am replacing all of it. 12:00 p.m. I was back at my computer. I used to have a spreadsheet for all of my house bills. This really helped out when I had roommates to figure out who owed what since we split all of the bills. But I actually took this spreadsheet a bit further. I have all of the sheets tied together and each sheet has it's own line graph to show how the house budget changes over the course of the year and then will compare the changes year to year. I know, it is like a lot of things I do, way over the top and uncalled for.1:00 p.m. I DVRed the Badger Game. So here I am watching the game.2:00 p.m. Still watching football. 3:00 p.m. A lot of movement going on. Note the beautiful curtains I know have up to cut down the glare on the TV. It will probably take me a while to get new curtains up even after I get my windows in. I have been told it is 6 weeks for delivery of the windows. So this set up is going to stay for a while.4:00 p.m. I finally got motivated and started on the baseboard trim in the closet.5:00 p.m. I didn't get much further. The problem is that the previous owners put wood tiled flooring over the existing wood floor. I know that doesn't make any sense, but they did. The baseboards when down to the existing wood floor and there wasn't a lot of room to get the crowbar under the baseboard.6:00 p.m. I am nearly done with the baseboards.7:00 p.m. I am finally finished.8:00 p.m. Dinner, or breakfast. Apple juice and waffles.9:00 p.m. I fell asleep on the couch and missed 9:00, and I was in bed by 9:30 on a Saturday night.

I know that isn't too exciting. I may try it again this weekend. Although Sunday I am planning to be at my parent's helping cut deer. So you will get about 10 pictures of dead deer. Maybe that is a step up.

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