Monday, April 25, 2011

Dream. Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream

Another dream. Really? Well Tree doesn’t like pictures of kids. So here is the dream. I am at my class reunion which for some reason is at Catheral Square in downtown Milwaukee. At the reunion it seems everyone keeps asking me the whereabouts of a classmate, Bill Schultz. Of course I have no idea where Bill Schultz is because I haven’t seen him since graduation day. It also just so happens that it is the night of the big bang on the lake front. But I miss nearly all of the fireworks because I was in one of the neighboring buildings getting something to eat. When I finally realize that the fireworks are going on, I head outside and I manage to see the second half of the grand finale. Jim Villa is at the class reunion even though we didn’t go to high school together. Jim and I decide to play two handed sheepshead on one of the benches. But Jim doesn’t know how to play two handed sheepshead, or sheepshead at all for that matter. So Jim turns into Stegall. Stegall deals out the cards but instead of dealing out 5 cards down he deals out 7. I tell him he dealt wrong and he says “Stop being such a baby and just play.” Stegall also didn’t sort out the cards correctly and the cards used are a mixture of two decks. For instance there are two 10 of clubs. We are both down to only 4 cards left and if I play the cards right, I will win the last 4 tricks. But I over think it and misplay and Stegall takes the last 4 tricks. But I still may have won. As we are counting up the points, my alarm goes off and I wake up.

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