Monday, June 26, 2006

Summerfest is coming

Well as you know I alwasy get really excited for Summerfest and it is only a couple days away. I am only planning on 4 trips down to the festival. But I thought I would break out an old story or two to get everyone in the mood. Here goes.
As you can see this is an old story, but it takes me back to my college days. These were the days when I would go to Summerfest nearly every night. This was the summer that I worked doing concrete inspection for STS Consultants. And I wrote this back then. I finished work and I was just planning on coming home and eating and going to sleep because I had to work the next day. Next thing I know my roommate, Bob, comes walking in the door with one of our mutual friends, Ben Miller. I went to high school and played soccer with Ben. He informs me that I am going with them to Summerfest. I tried to put up a bit of a fight but it didn’t’ work. I would say the conversation went something like this.
Ben: “Hey Rick, How are you doing? You are going to go down to Summerfest with us right?”
Me: “Well actually, I have to work in the morning. You guys go ahead and have a good time.”
Ben: “Are you kidding me? I come into town and you can’t go down to Summerfest with me.”
Me: “Ohhh alllright.”
As you can see that took a lot of convincing. We prepartied a little bit and then we walked down to Judge’s because they have a free shuttle from there to Summerfest. We are the last ones on the bus which was packed and we end up standing in the aisle, the people next to me bought two big glasses of beer from Judges and they were older, like 30’s. (For the record, I wrote this back when I was in college. Back then I called people in their 30’s, older. Look who is talking now.) These old people weren’t really pounding the beer and were actually spilling more than drinking, so next thing I know I am drinking pretty much all of their beer. We get down to the grounds and it is $9 to get in. (What is it now $15?) We went to the Miller Oasis for a Reggae fest thing first. I really wasn’t down there to see any band in particular more just to hang out with my friends. Even though this was my main goal to be with my friends, within the first half our my group of 8 had narrowed down to 3. And an hour an a half later I lost those two and I was by myself, I lost everyone. But I still ended up getting really drunk. Then at closing I ran into Jim Burrosse and Mark Meisenhiemer and they were giving me a ride home only I didn’t know that we were stopping at a bar first. Well that only lasted for a half hour, and then I left with another friend and I was just going to walk with him on the way home. So his house was first so I said see you later and kept walking home, I was a block and a half away from home when I ran into another friend, next thing I know I am closing Axel’s. I walk past Oakland Gyros, there is half of the group that originally went with down to Summerfest. I went in and talked to them for a while and stole a couple of French fries from them. I finally get home and Bob is passed out on the couch and Ben is hanging out by himself in the attic. So he and I talked until like 3 in the morning and I finally got to sleep only to get 3 and a half hours of sleep before I have to go to work. So I wake up all hung over and I have to watch these guys construct a retaining wall at the Circuit City by Southridge Mall. I ended up just laying in my truck all morning hating life. That put me at 50.5 hours this week, I had 64 the week before and 58 before that. I really miss those college days.

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