I had been having some problems with my truck over the last week or so. It has really been struggling to start. So I assumed that the battery was going. I am not even going to try to fool you into thinking that I am some sort of motorhead. I know absolutely nothing about cars. I went to Interstate Battery and had them test my battery and they told me sure enough my battery was dying. I was a bit skeptical and figured they just said that to everyone. I ended up buying a battery anyhow. After a stop by my sister's for a while, I headed home and installed the new battery.
This was the first time I used my garage to actually work on my truck since I bought my house. It was also the first time I did any work in my garage since I finished working on the garage itself. As I was working in the relatively warm enclosure of my garage, I was so happy to have a garage. And as it turns out my skepticism was unfounded, after I replaced the battery my truck started up just fine. I know all of that is far from exciting, but that is all that I have going on.

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