Monday, March 02, 2009

Weekend Update and Random Thoughts

Here is the quick recap of my weekend. Friday night, I worked on the temple and that is about it. Saturday was a pretty big day for me. I slept in until 10 in the morning which felt great. Then I worked on the temple. In the afternoon, I caught 4 basketball games which my nieces and nephew were playing in. It was a little rough but I got through it. After the basketball games I had a family Christmas party. At least I think it was the Christmas party. As the story goes from what I can recall, it was a long time ago, and my grandmother on my mom's side of the family passed away around Christmas time. It was pretty rough and my mom's family got together at my parent's house. This soon became a family tradition and it used to always be on Christmas day that that side of the family would get together at my parent's house. Then after a while it began changing to different aunt's houses. However my mom is one of 11 kids, and as my aunts and uncles got married and had kids, and then their kids had kids, it got to be just too many people for one house. Now we have to rent a hall somewhere for the party. Also everyone seemed to get more and more busy and the date of the party would get pushed off later and later into the year. So that is the history of the Stocks (my mom's maiden name) Family Christmas. Anyhow, I attended the family Christmas party which ended up being the remainder of my Saturday. Sunday was filled with working on the temple in the morning and took care of my laundry in the rest of the day.
Here are some pictures from the weekend. This is Jared at his basketball game. My niece, Erin, likes to take pictures with my camera. The rest of these shots compliments of Erin. And I have to say she is getting better at taking pictures. Rather than just taking pictures of people's butts and nose, she is actually getting in some good shots in from time to time. Here are Jared and Julie.
Here I am at the ATM (a.k.a. playing Sheepshead). I call it going to the ATM because I always win.Pocahontas making at deposit at the ATM with Tom Brady's money.Abby.Josh crying at the party. Lindsey and Abby.Here are a few random thoughts from the weekend:

Smoking in public places. After being in Minnesota and Appleton where bars are smoke free, it is such a punch in the face to walk into a bar and get hit with all of that cigarette smoke. After the Christmas party, I stopped at the bar with my cousins for a while. The smoke was just horrible. It was so bad that I could smell it in my truck the next day. I can't wait for the day that all of Wisconsin is smoke free.

Caddyshack. Saturday night when I got home and after I took a shower to get the cigarette smoke off my body, I was laying in bed and flipping through the channels and came across Caddyshack. It has been a couple years since I have actually watched this movie. It is still a classic and I found myself laughing out loud at it yet again. The scene with Carl and Ty at Carl's place the night before the big match is priceless.

Girl Scout Cookies. Two of my nieces are in girl scouts and I always buy a couple boxes from them. Wow, are these things addictive. If I open a box they are gone in, not days, but hours. I bought 8 boxes and I am sure they will all be gone by the end of the week if not sooner.

I am always surprised when I hear that someone is reading my blog. I think my life is rather boring and that fact that people would take time out of their day to see what is going on in my life is always a shock. But when I do find out that I have a new reader I like to welcome them to the blog. So to my new reader, my cousin, Amanda, welcome to the blog.


Anonymous said...

Re: the smoke - I was extra sick on Sunday because the smoke at Eric and Anna's favorite bar, the Stone...

Rickie Davies said...

I can see that. You hang out with Eric, you can expect to second hand smoke at least a half a pack.

Anonymous said...

So sweet - thank you for the welcome Rickie!!!

I'm with you on the smoking - sitting at a bar in Madison is much different then sitting at a bar in Milwaukee - I used to smoke and I can't even stand it....
