Friday, February 17, 2006

More Trouble On The Bypass

I had recently heard that from a number of people of another crash on the last project that I managed. I decided to do a little research. This is the article I found. If you check out the article, it puts a face to the tragedy. I find this very depressing. Any of you who are regular readers and actually read all of my postings know how I feel about the situation on this roadway. If you have not, please check a previous posting that I made on February 8th, 2006. I think I make my feelings on situation rather well known. I also realize that I did not have the final decision on this project. And hind sight is always 20-20. It is very easy for me to say, "I told you so." after the fact. I have also talked to anumber of people about this, and explained the situation. They have reinforced that I have done nothing wrong. Regardless I am struggling with this and carrying a lot of guilt on this matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.