Sunday, February 12, 2006

Picture of the Day

This picture was taken June 25th, 2000 at Cleveland Brown's Stadium, Cleveland, Ohio. During the performance of the "3 Tenors" in concert. Yes I have seen the "3 Tenors" I guess that makes me cultured. However as you can see, I am was wearing my "Make 7 Up Yours" T-shirt so don't get too excited about me being classy. I recall that this was an ungodly hot that day. The old people that had bought $1000 seats on the stadium field were fainting and passout out left in right. As hard as it may be to believe, I am not that big of a fan of the 3 Tenors. So I spent a good deal of the concert checking out the newly completed Browns Stadium, and looking for good locations for photo ops. I had one of the two EMTs that I had been talking to take this picture. And just after this picture was snapped their was a call over their walkie talkie "ANOTHER ONE JUST WENT DOWN!!! GET DOWN HERE FAST!!!" I walked by one of the tunnels that leads out to the seats and I saw old people laying everywhere covered with sweat and dehydrated. I know I didn't get a picture. Anyhow can any of you name all three tenors? I am sure you will be able to do a search on the internet and find it so I will save you the trouble. Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and the other guy, who is actually Jose Carreras.

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