Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Movie Review

Today's movie review is Apocalypto. The new movie out and directed by that Jew hater Mel Gibson. I will have to say that this was just an "OK" movie. Nothing to special about it. The special effects were pretty good. I haven't seen too many human hearts, but the ones that were in the movie looked pretty realistic. And I have never seen some mauled by a jaguar before, but now I have a really good idea of what it would look like. Don't worry, I didn't spoil anything, you see that coming a mile away. There is also some major foreshadowing right from the opening scene, but you see that coming too. I would consider this a movie a combination of "The Last of the Mohicans" (which I never saw, but trust me on this one), "First Blood"and "The Fugitive". I will give it a rating of 5. Like I said nothing too special about it, and the story isn't all that great, with a very predictable plot throughout the movie. Also all dialog is in subtitles, which I should have seen coming but I didn't and it sort of caught me by surprise, so bring your reading glasses.

For those longing for another Picture of the Day. This was taken October 27, 1999 just outside of Baltimore. This was at an Air Force Museum, but it was just off of the road and really just a parking lot with all of these planes on display. This is me hanging out on the wing of an F14 Tomcat.I am sure many of you have been running to your mailbox every night after work looking for you Christmas card. Don't worry, I stuffed them last night. Tonight I will be putting on the address labels and stamps. They will be in the mail first thing tomorrow morning on my way in to work.

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