It sucked.
Let me reply to some comments left after my last posting.
From Julie: "I am more upset that I was in the same category as the General. When's the last time he updated his blog? Granted my son is not doing much better but then again he is 10."
Julie, the criteria for being my favorite reader was purely based on the number of comments, it has nothing to do with how often one (The General) updates his blog. You and The General have left the same number of comments so you are in the same category. I feel your pain, being grouped with The General is a position no one wants to be in.
Also from Julie: "Maybe you can start critiquing some of the reality TV that is taking it's place."
I just don't watch a lot of network TV. Mainly because I am lazy, my cable TV is hooked up so I get network through the cable, and cable TV through the box. Often I am too lazy to switch the inputs to see what is on network TV. I spent more time surfing the cable channels. I have been watching alot of Ghost Hunters.
Tree, You can go back and look but you did leave you name more often than you think. There were also a number of comments that you told me that you left that I was able to figure out and I gave you credit for those. I don't know who it is that wants to know about my F.O.C. but I am going to address that issue in a bit. Lastly, I am too lazy to try and write a TV show. I do have idea for a TV show. It would basically be centered around my bar in the basement and getting my idiot friends together to either play cards or drinking games and tape it. Maybe it would work and be funny, maybe it wouldn't.
Now I would like to address my anonymous reader who feels she should be my "favorite reader". She would like me to write about my unwillingness to commit to a relationship or my fear of commitment to a relationship. Well sister, here is your wish, let's talk about it. My unwillingness / fear of commit stem from two factors. One, I am lazy. Talk to any married couple and they say marriage is hard work. Even if it is "one of the best things on the planet".
Two, I just haven't met the right person. Do you want me to spend the rest of my life with someone who I am not compatible with or attracted to?
But you are right, I need to get over my fear of commitment. You opened this can of worms, so you can help me eat them. I am game, let's get started. How do you propose that I get over my fear of commitment? And do not be vague. Give me some solid concrete ideas. Don't reply back with "Start dating someone."
I would like to add one last item to this posting. Yesterday was a typical day for me. I woke up, went to work, headed home for lunch and then on my trip back to work, my day took a turn for the worse. I suddenly blew a tire. Not really a big deal. I have had a flat tire before and I am very capable of changing a tire...normally. I was a little perturbed because it was only 10 degrees out. But I knew I could deal with it. I got out the jack, got out the spare tire, I loosened the lug nuts and then jacked up the truck. Here is where I strongly deviated from my New Years Resolution not to swear. The tire was frozen to the truck and I couldn't get it off. I kicked at the tire for 10 minutes, then went in my truck to warm up, went back and kicked at the tire for 10 moreminutes. I even tried lowering the truck down on the tire with the lug nuts just barely screwed on. Then I did the same and drove a couple of feet with the lug nuts barely on. Nothing loosened up the tire. Pissed? Quite. Then I had this old guy walk by me and said "What is the problem? It is only flat on the bottom." Move along old man before I break your hip. I finally had to bite the bullet and call for a tow. I ended up getting all four tires replaced. This is something that I should have taken care a while back, as the last time I had a new set of tires on my truck was 100,000 miles ago. Ooppps. And it is always quick in, quick out when you have work done on your vehicle. I didn't get back to my job until 6:30 at night. Good times.
1 comment:
Gordy also had a great day. The blower motor on the heater of the pick up truck died. Timing is everything in life.
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