Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

I have nothing to talk about. At least I say that now, then I will type on and on about useless blather. I just got back from lunch. I nearly always drive home during the week for lunch because I only work a mile from my house. I had a tuna fish sandwich for lunch. But aside from a so-so meal, the weather outside is absolutely incredible. I really hated to walk back into the building.

Would you be interested to know what I am doing at work today? Probably not. But you are going to hear about it anyways. I am working on some roadway plans. Mostly calculating quantities. We use a program called MicroStation to design the plans. Of course I didn't do the designing, another person in the office did that. I am going through the plans on the computer and calculating how many inlets are on the 10 miles of road. And how many tons of asphalt will be milled of the existing roadway, then calculating how many tons of asphalt will be placed back down. Some pretty boring stuff.

What else can I tell you about my day? I am wearing a green shirt today. For some reason there is a microwave in my cubicle that doesn't belong to me. It is exactly 37 paces from my cubicle to the nearest printer. My job would be significantly easier if I had a second monitor. I guess I had better get back to work. Any other odd bits of information that I could provide you would not enhance your day. Why again is it that people read this blog?


Anonymous said...

I have 3 monitors. Does this make you jealous?


Rickie Davies said...

Kmart, I am jealous of you no matter how many monitors you have. But how far do you have to go to get a print job?

Although I think I have an inferiority complex because not only do I have an old tube monitor, everyone else in my department has two flat screen monitors. I am assuming I am underequipped because I am not in the office all that much. At least that better be the reason.

Anonymous said...

I just walked it out. 14 paces to the printer.


Rickie Davies said...

Kmart, You are living the life. What next, you will be better looking than me?