Friday, May 08, 2009

New Favorite Show

I move around a lot on my favorite TV shows. I always tape NBC's Thursday line up of "My Name Is Earl", "The Office", "Parks and Recreation" and "30 Rock". Did I just say tape? I meant DVR. Anyhow as far as cable network shows, well I am always tuned in to FSN for Brewer Games. And even though I hate ESPN, I have that on quite a bit. Sportscenter every morning as I get ready to face the daunting task of starting my day. There was a time when I got hooked on Ghost Hunters. But after watching about 30 episodes without them seeing a ghost I gave up on the show. Plus it seemed to be more a soap opera between the people on the show. But now I have a new show that I am hooked on. "Locked Up Abroad" on the National Geographic Channel. I have only caught a couple of episodes, but from the ones I have seen, for the most part, a naive American decides to go to a foreign,usually, third world country, to try and smuggle drugs out of the country and they get caught. They are then incarcerated and have to deal with being an American who doesn't speak the language and yet try to survive in these extremely hostile environments. One episode I watch, this guy got caught with drugs, and he was sentenced to 7 years in prison. He spent 2 years in a Brazilian prison, then was released to US custody where he served another 6 months in a US prison. He only spent 6 months in a US prison because they figured 2 years in a Brazilian Prison is equal to 6.5 years in a US prison.

It is just amazing to me how different, uncivilized and underdeveloped, especially socially, so many other countries are compared to where we live. I also think within the first week of being locked up in a foreign country's prison, I would make a smart ass remark that would most likely result me getting shived. I would probably walk into the prison like Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder in "Stir Crazy". Strutting as I walked saying "That's right we bad!!" I am sure I would be dead before I could even get to my "Cool Hand Luke" lines. I would tell everyone my name was Andy Dufrane and I would get a big poster of Rachel Welch.


Anonymous said...

I'm on board with you Richard. Hooked on Locked up Abroad too. The most eye-opening one for me was when they brought the guy to the jail, there were armed guards on top of the buildings....except they weren't armed "guards", they were inmates. Next time I'm in Ecuador, I'm not even going to pick my nose for fear of landing in one of those joints.


Bubs said...

Locked up abroad is absolutely my favorite new show. I hope if I ever smuggle drugs, I am locked up here in the US.

Rickie Davies said...

Don't you mean "when" you smuggle drugs?

Bubs said...

*wink* The deal's been made!

Anonymous said...

I like the Soup, Joe McHale reminds me of Rick.

Anonymous said...

Another vote here for the Soup. Man, I watch too much t.v.
