Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A New Contest

My mind is always working on ideas that are both stupid and entertaining. A couple of years ago, some of you may remember, we held the Gallon of Milk Challenge, where Nate drank a gallon of milk in 20 minutes. Not long after that, I tinkered with the idea of a pizza roll eating contest. But that seemed like a little too much prep time. And never got off the ground. But I was talking to Nate the other night and I have a new contest and I would like to see if I could get any takers. The contest is $10 per entry and the winner takes all. What you have to do, is eat one hot dog and drink one can of beer for each inning of a 9 inning baseball game. I obviously would have the contest at my house. Partaking in such a contest at the stadium would cost a fortune. $6.50 for a beer and $2.50 for a hot dog, you are talking $81. So I am thinking about the contest, but I would like to see if there is any interest. Let me know if you might be down.

1 comment:

M.K.A. said...

I'm game, just as long as its not pabst, haha.